Design is rapidly transforming given the new needs and complications of socially distant performance. Our research considers emerging fields and adaptive design.

In the midst of in-person productions closing, Dr. E. Christin Essin continues her yearly tradition of designing and building a brand new theater - a gingerbread theatre, Her candy creations bring to mind the people who build and care for our stages, who design productions, and who work backstage, all of whom, in normal times, help the show go on.

Gingerbread Theaters for a Virtual Winter (Featuring an interview with Dr. E. Christin Essin)
During the 2020 holiday season where theaters remain shuttered, miniature gingerbread theaters highlight our longing for community gathering. Dr. E. Christin Essin shares her tradition of building gingerbread theaters, memorializing the architectural wonders of many currently empty spaces. The gingerbread venue in the video “Gingerbread Roadies” spotlights the role of backstage labor within the industry and exudes hope for the day we will reunite in theater spaces.

For the Songbirds: Masks and Performance for Singers and Musicians
Singing remains an incredibly high risk activity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. However, mask research continues, pushing forward our understanding of what makes singing dangerous and how we can make it safer, of vital interest for many performers displaced over the last five months.

virtual Puppeteering
What do toy theater and artificial reality have in common? They are both forms of puppeteering.
Puppetry and live, in-person theater often necessitate a mimetic imagination; that is, objects in both puppetry and live, in-person theater represent something other than what they are. Puppet theater translates materiality to the otherwise immaterial, virtual stage.

The microphone and the Masked Performer
In preparation for an outdoor pageant wagon-style adaptation of the morality play Everyman, Sound Designer Robert Kaplowitz shares audio samples of his experiments with a performer who is masked for safety. For this production, all performers will be masked, and will maintain 6' spacing between one another. The wagon will be traveling streets in Philadelphia, and audiences will be watching from their porches and from hula-hooped spaces on the street.

Voicemeeter - Manipulating Voice Live
Voicemeeter is a program that is available for free on Windows that can very quickly improve your sound. Voicemeeter is a virtual audio mixing console that manages your inputs and outputs during live performance (I/O).

Light Jumping Through the Screen: Lighting Performers vS Lighting Audience
Visual artist Olafur Eliasson uses lighting design to experiment with the at-home audience in the Netflix series Abstract: Art of Design. In the episode “Olafur Eliasson: The Design of Art,”

ASMR: Opportunity for Intimate Sound Design?
One of the benefits of socially distanced theater is that it offers potentially more intimate experiences through technology. In particular, ASMR is one sound design technique that could be utilized to create an immersive atmosphere.