Speak of Me as I Am: a Celebration of African American Contributions to Shakespeare
The life cycle of virtual theater has progressed rapidly in the last few months, to the point that many theater enthusiasts may already find themselves, as our research team has, referring to “standard” or “traditional” Zoom theater. Yet, even as theater broadcast through teleconference platforms becomes mainstream and new, flashier innovations emerge, the benefits of the format remain clear. This past week, Houston, Texas’s Main Street Theater used the live video streaming format to continue the spirit of their educational offerings while the theater remains shuttered as they broadcast Speak of Me as I Am: a Celebration of African American Contributions to Shakespeare via Facebook Live.
September 7th, 2020
Cait S. Kirby’s COVID-19-inspired virtual simulation of a day-in-the-life on a college campus in the fall of 2020, though falling outside of the world of performance and theater, is honed for audience engagement and emotional impact.